DNA Today is a multi-award winning podcast and radio show exploring how genetics impacts our health.

Host/Producer Kira Dineen interviews leaders in genetics including genetic counselors, researchers, physicians and patient advocates.

New episodes every Friday.

DNA Today is broadcast Fridays at 10:30am EST on WHUS 91.7 FM in Connecticut.

#18 New Advances on Fragile X Syndrome

#18 New Advances on Fragile X Syndrome

Researchers have identified a genetic mutation accountable for a metabolic disease among Inuits in northern Canada. New research has provided new insight into fragile X syndrome, learn more about the syndrome at fragileX.org. January is National Birth Defect Month! I go over the CDC's top 10 most common birth deffects in the US. Prevention of birth defects is presented. Listen live to my new time on whus.org at 11:30am.

#19 Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative

#19 Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative

#17 PTSD and Breast Cancer Genes

#17 PTSD and Breast Cancer Genes